Michelle Tsosie Sisneros

Niece of Pablita Velarde, the famous Santa Clara painter, Sisneros has carved her own place in contemporary Native American painting.

Read the article on Michelle Tsosie Sisneros as previously published in The Taos News TAOS NEWS – Michelle Tsosie Sisneros at Chimayo Trading Del Norte >>

A highly regarded contemporary artist of Santa Clara, Navajo and Laguna descent, Michelle Tsosie Sisneros paints traditional Native American themes with abstract elements and surrealist influences.

Read the full story Michelle Tsosie Sisneros >>

A consummate professional artist, Michelle Tsosie Sisneros who never fails to deliver, is our featured artist with an exciting exhibition of new works for sale. Niece of Pablita Velarde, the famous Santa Clara painter, Sisneros has carved her own place in contemporary Native American painting.

Read the full story New Paintings From Michelle Tsosie Sisneros >>

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